The most beautiful day in life

Like the conception of marriage itself, our expectations towards wedding photography are changing. The wedding day is one of these days in life that should perfectly express our personality. A part of that are photographs which not only have a documenting character but reflect look and taste and for generations capture the feeling of their time.





Style conscious

The wedding dress will be the most precious and elaborated piece of fashion of their lifes. There will be no time, no lifeblood and no money invested as much as for this dress. It´s no an uniform for a ceremony but a fashion statement. But usually there is only one day left to wear this dress that makes us shine so much.

So what is closer than setting a small memorial for the dress, the feeling and all those emotions and let it play a leading role for another day? Nothing equals the floating, ethereal images of an underwater shooting in capturing beauty and elegance, the lightness and timelessness of a wedding dress. Let´s work together and do it!
